Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dreaming In Green

Many years ago when I was a new herbalist a friend and I dreamed up an herbal project. We named it Dreaming in Green. Though the project never came into fruition and Michelle and I have been out of touch for several years that name has always resonated in me.

My hopes and dreams have always been in "Green", or at least of a Greener, simpler way. As many of you know food activism has been a big part of my work over the years. I was updating some handouts for a class I am giving at the 20th Annual Women's Herbal Conference and I came across some fun links I thought I would share here......

Eat Wild
Blog: Low mileage Food
Food Routes

Eating local has always been near and dear to my heart. We are blessed to live in an area where this is possible. We get our milk (raw) straight from the farm. We make our yogurt and ice cream. We buy local cheeses. Fruit and veggies from our CSA and plentiful farmstands, bread from local bakeries (though the grain was not grown locally). Miso from down the road. Eggs from our neighbors. Meat (organic and free range from our local farms. Medicine and Spices from our garden. This is not to say we do not indulge and enjoy what town has to offer but we try to keep it local.

There are many challenges out there at present:

One Local Summer
100 mile diet

Start today: Save tomorrow! So I have decide to make a new environmental pledge every week for the rest of this year, that is 25 environemntal changes that my family will commit to this year. Starting NOW!

I pledge to:

- Choose tap water over bottled water whenever possible;

- Fill a reusable bottle with tap water;

- Support public funding for safe and affordable tap water

Take back the Tap

Please play along. Use my ideas. Share your own.........Let's be the change we want to see......

And on a complete side note check this out!!!

Oh my gosh inspiring !!!A low impact woodland home Way cool!!!

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