cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
The Lorax Dr Seuss 1971
This month we have an unintentional theme going. As part of our weekly family movie nights we watched "Flipper" and the original "Dr Doolitle" (with Rex Harrison). This weekend while at the Odessey bookstore listening to this mama speak we read the book Prince William we are reading Dolphin Adventure by Wayne Grover.
I wanted to get Zoe a book to mark Earth Day and have recently browsed several great kids environmental awareness books....and believe me my wish list is long and growing by the day, one more here. I finally chose "The Lorax" now I am not really a Dr Seuss fan but this book seemed like the best match for us this Earth Day. I do not want Zoe to feel the burden of feeling responsible for the environmental crisis....I want her to first and foremost LOVE the Earth. Feel at peace when surrounded by her natural beauty. Marvel in her wondrous ways and thus become an advocate following her heart. I feel that the Lorax was fun to read while introducing some of the concepts of being a earth stewart (or in our house "Daughter of the Earth"-a term taken from the Cd by our friend ALisa Starkweather)
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