Respiratory Decongestant Syrup
1 part coltsfoot leaves
1/2 part marshmallow root
1/2 part ground ivy
1/2 mullein leaf
1/8 part licorice
1/8 part Orange Peel
1/2 cup of Black Cherry concentrate
4 cups (1 liter) water
1 Ib (1 kg) natural honey
Simmer the herbs in 4 cups water until reduced to 2 cups. Strain and add 1/4 lb natural raw honey. Gently melt, simmering at low heat for 20 minutes. Add 1/4 cup Black Cherry concentrate. You can add a splash of lemon juice as well if you have it. Cool before bottling. Store in refrigerator. Consume within 3 months. If you would like to extend the shelf life add 1/4 cup of good quality Brandy.
Dosage: Take 1 T , 2 to 3 times a day. Even children will enjoy it!
1 comment:
I loved the idea of simple and practical (yet very effective!) herbal remedies to relieve common maladies. Thank you very much for the info about natural decongestants...surely, we can use some at home!
In the pursuit of a healthy life with herbal remedies that is...
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