To support this here at Blazing Star Herbal School we are going to have our second fire circle this summer. Please bring a candle and a blessing/prayer/poem/song you would like to share and don't leave your drums/rattles behind! (other instruments also welcome)
August 7th, 7:30-9:30pm
Blazing Star Herbal School, Ashfield MA
If you are interested please also add your light to their website, as of now 508,035 people have joined worldwide. As many of you know this is a cause near and dear to my heart. It is so painful everytime Zoe looks at a map and says "mama why is Tibet not on this map. how can I be from somewhere that is not on the map?"
Hope you will join us. (I know it is late but please bring the family).
Please email (blazingstarclinic (at) gmail (dot) com) for directions.
Please feel free to spread the word. This is a free event open to the community.
Find more videos like this on Candle4Tibet
Sending Summer Blessings your way,
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